Yukito Nishinaka

Yukito Nishinaka Exhibition

Wed.May.29,2024 - Tue.Jun.11,2024
10:00 - 20:00
Takashimaya Osaka Store 1F, Main Entrance

An installation exhibition of exquisite glass artworks with the themes “The Beauty of Imperfection” and “Testimony of Life”. Through Monday, June 10, the Gallery NEXT on the 6th floor will also host a solo exhibition featuring vessels, tea implements, sake cups, and other objects alongside the glass works.

Artist Profile

Yukito Nishinaka

Born in Wakayama City in 1964, Yukito graduated from Wakayama Toin High School. After graduating from Hoshi University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, he studied sculpture and glass art at the California College of the Arts. While traveling around the world, he has been searching for beauty that can be felt in the heart based on his interpretation of Japanese spirituality, breaking down stereotypes and challenging himself to create new expressions that stick in the present era.


Takashimaya Osaka Store

5-1-5 Namba, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka