1/Ken Miki, Chiaki Murata, and others

HIZO market@OAD

Wed.May.29,2024 - Tue.Jun.11,2024
12:00 - 18:00
Art Area B1

Creativity Connects Hope and Recovery

The charity project born from the creativity of creators in Kansai, “HIZO Market OSAKA Art & Design 2024,” will be held. This event will showcase some of the most treasured works by some 30 creators that, for one reason or another, have never been presented before. You can actually see and buy valuable works that are not normally available.

Post-Covid “Re”connection

The bonds between creators were weakened during the coronavirus pandemic. “HIZO Market” is an effort to “re-connect creators in Kansai” so that they can re-connect and build a new relationship with each other. The event aims to be a venue for stimulating dialog and interaction among art and design enthusiasts, creating new connections across generations and industries. As a charity for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which occurred on January 1, 2024, proceeds will be donated to Noto Peninsula Earthquake Fundraising (excluding actual expenses). This event supports the creators of the Noto area who are still struggling to build a foundation for their lives.

METAPHYS movos ©︎Chiaki Murata

Preserve the spirit of the creators and weave it into the future

The works and objects collected for the event will be archived in the form of a book for sale. Graphic designer Ken Miki will serve as the design director. The passion that creators have for their works is preserved and woven into the future. Enjoy the experience of encountering works that reflect the spirit of the creators and meeting unknown talents.

Artist Profile

- Ken Miki
- Chiaki Murata
- Teruhiro Yanagihara
- and others

In cooperation with:
Keihan Holdings Co., Ltd.
Art Area B1
Creative Island Nakanoshima Executive


Art Area B1

1st Basement Concourse, Naniwabashi Station, Keihan Nakanoshima Line, 1-1-1
Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka