Smile Talking Hands

Thu.Jun.13,2024 - Tue.Jun.18,2024
10:00 - 19:00
※The event ends at 5:00 p.m. on the final day
Shinsaibashi PARCO 14F

Kado creates artistic experiences intended to express feelings that cannot be conveyed by either spoken language or sign language alone. He calls this unified mode of presentation, “Smile Talking Hands/Hand Talk”, In addition to such projects as his sign-language art books, his creations include in-store art for the “Starbucks Coffee Nonowa Kunitachi Shop”, Kit Kat Halloween Snack packaging, and character designs for the animation “Cara and Musical Note Island”. During the exhibition period, the artist will visit the hall and will present a live painting event.

Artist Profile


The theme of that event will be: “Pursuit of the possibilities of a Non-verbal World”.
Hidehiko Kado’s parents were both deaf. At an early age, in order to express his feelings that could not be conveyed to them in spoken language, he began to express himself by drawing. Later, he went on to study painting and design on his own. Although he learned sign language, he felt there still existed a barrier between hearing people and the deaf. He found it natural to draw sign language representations in his drawings. With the aims of helping to create a world without barriers and to expand the possibilities of communication as much as possible, he expresses his intentions through art using trendy imagery and pop culture effects. Thus, he hopes to reach as many people as possible with his message.


Shinsaibashi PARCO

1-8-3, Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka