Talkative (and eloquent) colors

Wed.May.29,2024 - Tue.Jun.25,2024
※Exhibition in the Ladies’ Shoes Section on 2F until Jun.11 (Tue).
10:00 - 20:00
※Closing time may vary on the last day
Takashimaya Osaka Store 2F, International Boutique & Ladies’ Shoes Section

Creation begins with encountering objects, space, and words. Using the method of “assemblage,” which involves collecting and combining something that is already made, such as ready-made products, something that reflects someone’s thoughts or ideas, or something that has moved places and passed through time. Without coloring, the color, characteristics, and beauty of the material itself are utilized, and various objects are spatially reconstructed using a sculptural perspective to exhibit the work. Recently, collaborations with “VOGUE” and “REGAL” have also been undertaken.

TOP Image :
photo / Ozaki Yoshihiro(Daruma)

Artist Profile


Born in Mie Prefecture in 1983, Araki graduated from Nagoya University of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Art and Design in 2005 and completed the research student in 2006. She received the Aichi Prefecture Arts and Culture New Face Award in 2020. Her major solo exhibitions include “Fragments of a Better World” (AIN SOPH DISPATCH, Nagoya 2023) , “Talkative (and eloquent) colors” (SYP GALLERY, Tokyo 2022) , and “Something Which Is Everything and Nothing” (Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya 2012) . Recent exhibitions include “The space between” RUM21, (Vejile, Denmark 2023) , “A Sense of Beauty 2023 - 象(sho)・彫(cho)・刻(koku)・塑(so) - <sculpture>” (Takashimaya Art Gallery - Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Aichi, Yokohama, Shinjuku), “Homage TAKARAZUKA - Spring Primavera” (Takarazuka Arts Center, Hyogo) .


Takashimaya Osaka Store

5-1-5 Namba, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka